One day 3 men went to a shrine to ask the Father for forgiveness. The first man went to the Father and said: ” Father, Father I have sinned! ” Father: “What have you done? ” The first man:” I have lied! ” Father: “Drink the Holy water and you will be saved. ” And so the man drank the water and was “saved “. Then the second man went up to the Father and said:” Father, Father I have sinned! ” Father: “What have you done? ” The second man: ” I have stolen from the jeweler’s ! ” Father: “Drink the Holy water and you will be saved. ” And so the man drank the holy water and was “saved “. The third man went up to the Father and said: ” Father, Father I have sinned! ” Father: “What have you done? ” The third man: ” I peed in the Holy water! “
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