if u dn’t like me, Then buy a map get a CAR nd Go to HELL :p
People That Don’t Know Me Think I’m Shy . People That Know Me Wish I Was
When I die, don’t come to my grave to tell me how much you love me and how much you Continue Reading..
*BAD LUCK* *is when the wind blows a Girl’s skirt up, and the same wind blows dust into your eyes. Continue Reading..
Who ever taught my mom how to switch off the hotspot we must not meet
One day, the phone rang, and Noko answered. The Caller: May I speak to your parents? Noko : They’re busy. Continue Reading..
A blonde was so upset about everyone always making fun of her being blonde that she decided to hang herself. Continue Reading..
Teacher…who is your father’s name? Bundle of joy…Babe Teacher….huu come on! Bundle of joy….that’s how my mom calls him so?
Ex:why you don’t answer your phone?? Me:cos I lost my memory card
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