How to know that you are Falsely Christian.
. You have many years going to church but still struggling with sins (adultery, lies, etc).
. You don’t read the whole Bible.
. Always talks about the name of the church or leaders more than Jesus Christ.
. Thinking and using water, uniform, stickers, pictures etc to protect your car, yourself and house. That’s idolatry!.
. Church you attend sings praising songs about the leader of the church.
. Always moving from one church to another for miracles.
. Thinking that marrying more than one wife is not a sin. it’s actually witchcraft.
. No praying and thinking only the church leader can pray for you and make your prayer known to God.
. Killing animals as a sacrifice.
. Thinking 30 minutes or 1 hour is enough on Sabbath. Sabbath is the day of the Lord not yours.