Girls did you know that these boys when they inbox us it took a long process? They go through our Profile pics to check if we’re approachable, to check if we’re at the same level. After that they go to inbox and type
“Hi” n they stop for 2mins meditating
if they can post it or not, they delete
it and log out thinking if they can come up with good approach. After some few hours
they consolidate
themselves n say now am going to talk to her, they log in n come straight to your acc n look at your pic for 3mins thinking, they cancel it and they go to check their notifications
, they leave their Facebook online n do something for 15mins, they come back n notice that you’re online they log out again coz they think they’re being watched. They log in n check their notifications
again for 30sec n they come back to ur acc n notice that you’ve logged out, they boost their confidence n they type “Hello Beautiful” n they stop for 3mins, they delete it instantly
n type “Hi” finally, and they log out quickly after sending it n Spend five hours without logging in coz they’re afraid you might have ignore them. At 19:30 they go to bath
after that they go straight to their beds n login in to Facebook, they’re now happy coz there’s two messages, they ignore it for 5mins n go straight to their notifications liking, commenting posts of their friends, after some 10mins they go straight to inbox n they found that you didn’t reply, they start to blame themselves maybe it’s because am ugly this n that so on and on they faint
. Guys am I wrong?
Ladies keep it up we have dignity n we’re so precious.