TWO BOYS stole a big bag of oranges from neighbor & decided to go to a quit place to share the lot equally. once of them suggested the nearby cemetery as they were jumping over the gate 2 anter the cemetery , two oranges fell out of the big bag but they did’nt bother to pick them since they had enough in the bag few minutes leter , a drunkard on his way from a bar , passed near the cemetery gate & heard a voice saying :” one for me, one 4 u … 4 me, one 4 u ……..he immediately sobered up & run as fast as he could to a church nearby, for the priest ……………………… ” father , pls come with me. witness God & satan sharing the dead at the cemetery” they both back run 2 the cemetery gate & the voice continued ;:” one 4 me , one 4 u…….. one for me ,one for u …….. suddenly ,the voice stopped counting & said “WHAT ABOUT THE TWO AT THE GATE ?” you should have seen the marathon that followed wah ! ! ! the priest almost ran past the church gate shouting .” we a not dead yet ooohh ! ! ! !………. now u ‘re laughing………… don’t be selfish , send it to your friends put a smile on someone ‘s face ..
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