On my first year I met this other beautiful Christian girl dressed up in a very short dress.
Nerio: Hi my name is NeRio, do you mind if I walk you down to your room?
Her: No Dear , I don’t mind at all !!!!
. Please do me the honour.
I was so excited that I met a phenomenal girl. When I got to her place, I hugged her and she felt my “D” jumping, kicking off so she smiled and laughed at me then she softly said to me “Matthew 7 verse 7”
I deeply paused, my “D” turned off immediately. I was so damn embarrassed and she noticed I was embarrassed so she said, don’t stress about what just happened, a thing like that happens when a boy is with a girl but you should really go read your Bible. She looked very disappointed in me when she said that.
I walked to my place very slow and disappointed. When I got there I put a pot on the stove to cook my evening meal and I sadly opened my bible, paged it.
Matthew 7 verse 7 “Ask and it will be given to you”
I kicked off that pot with a boiling water and burned my foot.
Damn I tell you guys, it’s important to read a bible sometimes