Having 3 girlfriends is so tough, you gotta tell everything 3 times
A MARRIED COUPLE IN THEIR BEDROOm THE WIFE IS BUSY SINGING. Husband: You know my wife when you sing like Continue Reading..
“I Will Never Cheat On You” I think this sentence was made in China..!
People wake up earlier on them holidays but during school days it seems like they are chained on bed.😦
A text from your crush can make you slap your Dad on his head and say: “Yes boy”…
A taxi passenger tapped🤚 the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed😱, lost control of Continue Reading..
Stop liking your own pictures, have patience we are coming
FIFA is currently investigating how Orlando pirates went to FIFA world cup as Panama Coz the 6-1 score looks familiar
A man enters a bar and the bartender comes over and asks, “Can I help you, sir?” The man answers, Continue Reading..
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