Research shows that gay people are rich because they don’t date girls
My sister before you say” all men are Dogs ” First of all check if you are not behaving like Continue Reading..
A child asked his father, “How were people born?” So his father said, “Adam and Eve made babies, then their Continue Reading..
Your parents are still alive and together ,But when you are asked “Who is your favourite couple?” You answer “Jay Continue Reading..
guess by who? “Racism will never end as long as white cars are still using black tyres. Racism will never Continue Reading..
Is it okay to stop Ambulance and ask what happened?
My Ex found me at Spar in morning and said: Wow, You are looking good, are u still alive? And Continue Reading..
My neighbor donated a kidney the gave him R400,000. I donated 6 of them…… shit they called the police😭 Life Continue Reading..
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