I don’t have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT
The height of your bounce back is determined by how hard you are thrown down
When you realize that you’re constantly treating a person a lot better than they treat you, it’s time to make Continue Reading..
I have a new theory in life… what other people think of me is truly none of my business!…
My attitude based on how u treat me
When you learn to accept instead of expect, you’ll have fewer disappointments……
Life goes on. Don’t waste it for someone who left you behind. Enjoy your life for someone better will come
I usaully give people more chances than they deserve .. But once I am done .. I’m done.
Remember to step out of your comfort zone and achieve great things because you are worth it.
I don’t have a good memory but remembers almost everything
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I don’t have a good memory but remembers almost everything