She’s your girl. She’s supposed to be that curious person who wants to know where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re with so she can have peace of mind.
She’s supposed to be that talkative person who wants to constantly text you throughout the day or call you just to hear your voice.
She’s supposed to be that attentive person who shows you that you are her favorite distraction from everything else that’s going on with her.
She’s supposed to be that affectionate person who likes to kiss you all over the place without caring who’s looking.
She’s supposed to be that jealous person who feels some type of way when she sees you talking a girl a lot.
She’s supposed to be that annoying person who gets mad over little things because every thing you do affects her.
She’s supposed to be that vulnerable person who’s sensitive who everything you say to her.
She’s supposed to be that loving person who puts you before herself. She just hopes you won’t get sick of it one day, because she doesn’t know how to show she cares any other way.

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